Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 133 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
AsterixDB is a BDMS (Big Data Management System) with a rich feature set that sets it apart from other Big Data platforms. Its feature set makes it well-suited to modern needs such as web data warehousing and social data storage and analysis.
In a world where data is the new gold, Apache AsterixDB stands out as a game-changing big data management system, designed to efficiently store, analyze, and manage complex data at scale. Whether you're dealing with large-scale web applications, IoT data, or business analytics, AsterixDB offers unparalleled flexibility and performance to handle your data challenges.
This course is your ultimate guide to mastering Apache AsterixDB, empowering you to harness the power of a highly scalable, open-source solution that delivers blazing-fast queries and real-time insights. Through hands-on, project-driven learning, you’ll discover how to seamlessly ingest, manage, and analyze vast amounts of data—helping your organization stay ahead of the competition by transforming data into actionable insights.
What You'll Gain:
Big Data Expertise: Gain deep insights into managing and analyzing complex, semi-structured data sets using Apache AsterixDB.
Real-Time Analytics: Master the tools to deliver rapid query responses, enabling you to make faster, smarter business decisions.
Practical Projects: Apply your skills to real-world scenarios, building scalable data solutions that drive business growth.
We will learn
Introduction to AsterixDB
Performance of Apache AsterixDB
Key Features
Example of Product using AsterixDB
Installation of Apache AsterixDB
Asterix Data Model (Dataverse, Datatype, Dataset)
Creating Dataset and Index
Loading Data into AsterixDB
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators
Numeric Functions
String Functions
Tokenizing Functions
Aggregate Functions (Array Functions)
Comparison Functions
This course is designed for Beginners in Apache AsterixDB and looking out for a new job as Data Engineer, Big data Engineers or Developers, Software Developer.
You'll walk away from this course with a real, deep understanding of Apache AsterixDB and its associated distributed systems, and you can apply it to real-world problems. Plus a valuable completion certificate is waiting for you at the end!
AsterixDB has:
Data model
A semistructured NoSQL style data model (ADM) resulting from extending JSON with object database ideas
Query languages
Two expressive and declarative query languages (SQL++ and AQL) that support a broad range of queries and analysis over semistructured data
A parallel runtime query execution engine, Apache Hyracks, that has been scale-tested on up to 1000+ cores and 500+ disks
Native storage
Partitioned LSM-based data storage and indexing to support efficient ingestion and management of semistructured data
External storage
Support for query access to externally stored data (e.g., data in HDFS) as well as to data stored natively by AsterixDB
Data types
A rich set of primitive data types, including spatial and temporal data in addition to integer, floating point, and textual data
Secondary indexing options that include B+ trees, R trees, and inverted keyword (exact and fuzzy) index types
Basic transactional (concurrency and recovery) capabilities akin to those of a NoSQL store