Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 33 students
- Language: Simplified Chinese
- Certificate: Yes
云南古茶山,山山才华横溢,亦或风姿卓越。那为什么要将景迈古茶山作为单独一课(Lesson 19)分享给大家呢?因为景迈古茶林是唯一一座国际范的古茶山。首先:景迈古茶山是国家重点文物保护单位;其次,景迈茶为历史贡茶,香高、汤柔、味甘、和谐,曾经我们说“易武为王,景迈为后”,说的就是景迈茶的历史地位;最后,景迈古茶林是唯一一座以茶文化申请世界非物质文化遗产的古茶山,成功指日可望。
习茶的本真是享受当下的生活,从简单的生活之道到至美的生活美学,都是我们习茶的过程中最美的风景, 从中学会生活的真谛。
Contents 目 录
Lesson 1. Profile and Requirements of This Course茶艺师研修班学习概述,课程内容和要求
Lesson 2. The Top Ten Chinese Famous Tea 十大名茶赏析
Lesson 3. Minorities Tea Customs and Taboos 少数民族饮茶习俗及禁忌
Lesson 4. Tea in other countries 海外茶文化
Lesson 5. General Introduction of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的概要
Lesson 6. Classification and Main Processing of Pu-erh 普洱茶的分类和工艺
Lesson 7. Ripe Pu-erh and Piling Fermentation普洱茶熟茶的渥堆发酵
Lesson 8. 4S Sensory Tasting&Evaluation 普洱茶品饮与鉴赏(4S品鉴法)
Lesson 9. The Terroir of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的产区及风土
Lesson 10. The Ancient Tea Horse Road 茶马古道
Lesson 11. The Brewing Skills of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的冲泡技巧之水篇(上)
Lesson 12. The Brewing Skills of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的冲泡技巧之器篇(下)
Lesson 13. The History of Pu-erh Tea Ⅰ 普洱茶叶的历史(上)
Lesson 14. The History of Pu-erh Tea Ⅱ 普洱茶叶的历史(下)
Lesson 15. Xishuangbanna Regin and Pu-erh Tea 西双版纳及普洱茶
Lesson 16. Historic Antique Tea 从号级茶到印级茶
Lesson 17. The Rumor of Pu-erh 普洱茶的流言
Lesson 18. Pu’er Regin&Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶区及普洱茶
Lesson 19. Jingmai Ancient Mountain&Pu-erh Tea 景迈古茶山及普洱茶
Lesson 20. Wine Label& Designing of Pu-erh Packaging 葡萄酒酒标&普洱茶包装设计
Lesson 21 Lincang Regin&Pu-erh Tea 临沧茶区及普洱茶
Lesson 22 Yunnan Black Tea 滇红篇
Lesson 23 ZI SHA pk ZI TAO 紫砂与紫陶,谁与争峰
Lesson 24 Design of the Tea Table Setting 茶席设计
Lesson 25 Yunnan White Tea 云南白茶
Lesson 26 Tea Meditation茶冥想
Lesson 27 How to Buy Tea如何选购茶叶
Lesson 28 Tea Manner&Sales Tips茶艺礼仪&销售技巧
Lesson 29. Food Pairing Wine&Tea 配餐茶与配餐酒
Lesson 30. Chinese&West Table Manner 中西餐桌礼仪
Lesson 31. Dialogue Wine and Tea 对话葡萄酒与普洱茶(上)
Lesson 32. Dialogue Wine and Tea 对话葡萄酒与普洱茶(下)
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