What You’ll Learn
  • Car Repair for Everyone !
  • Engine Types and their working Principles (2 Stroke,4 Stroke and others)
  • Understanding Car Repair Principles
  • Working Principle of Automobile Sensors
  • Knowing how to perform a basic car tune-up.
  • Understanding the fundamentals of car suspension and steering systems.
  • The Advanced Introduction to Manual Transmission Working Principles
  • Semi-Clutch and DCT Transmission
  • Car Chassis Types
  • Understanding the importance of car safety and how to perform basic car safety checks.
  • Electronic Components of Car and Their Working Principle (Relays
  • Fuses
  • Switches and other components)
  • Automobile Engine and Body Train Sensors
  • Identifying the different parts of a car and their functions.
  • Electrical Engineering Training for Car Mechanics
  • Learning how to diagnose common car problems.
  • Understanding the basics of engine maintenance.
  • Learning about the different types of car batteries and their maintenance.
  • Car Suspension Types
  • Understanding the basics of car electrical systems.
  • Deep understanding of Car Repair and Car Electronic Components
  • Knowing how to diagnose and fix common electrical problems.
  • Learning about car brakes and how to diagnose and fix brake issues.
  • Electrical Side of Car Repair
  • Knowing how to diagnose and fix common suspension and steering problems.
  • Car Engine Control Unit (Electronic Control Unit) Working Principle
  • How to diagnose and fix common car heating problems.
  • Learning about car audio and entertainment systems.
  • Learning about car alarm and security systems.
  • Learning about hybrid and electric car systems.
  • and other awesome topics ! -->>


  • No requirements


*Get the Official Certificate after Completing the Course

Are you tired of constantly being stuck in a dead-end job with no room for growth or advancement? If so, now is the time to take control of your future and invest in your career. With online car repair training, you can become a skilled auto mechanic in just a few short months and kickstart your journey to a successful and fulfilling career !

You are probably taking this course for one of two reasons. Either you are preparing yourself to enter into the field of automotive service, or you are expanding your skills to include automotive electrical systems. In either case, congratulations on selecting one of the most fast-paced segments of the automotive industry. Working with the electrical systems can be challenging, yet very rewarding; however, it can also be very frustrating at times. For many people, learning electrical systems can be a struggle. It is my hope that I am able to present the course to you in such a manner that you will not only understand electrical systems, but will excel at it. There are many ways the theory of electricity can be explained, and many metaphors can be used. Some compare electricity to a water flow, while others explain it in a purely scientific fashion. Everyone learns differently. I am presenting electrical theory in a manner that I hope will be clear and concise. If you do not fully comprehend a concept, then it is important to discuss it with your instructor. Electricity is somewhat abstract; so if you do have questions, be sure to ask me in Udemy ask section.

Why Become an Electrical System Technician?

In the past, it was possible for technicians to work their entire careers and be able to almost completely avoid the vehicle’s electrical systems. They would specialize in engines, steering/ suspension, or brakes. Today, there is not a system on the vehicle that is immune to the role of electrical circuits. Engine controls, electronic suspension systems, and anti-lock brakes are common on today’s vehicles. Even electrical systems that were once thought of as being simple have evolved to computer controls. Headlights are now pulse-width modulated using high side drivers and will automatically brighten and dim based on the light intensity of oncoming traffic. Today’s vehicles are equipped with twenty or more computers, laser-guided cruise control, sonar park assist, infrared climate control, fiber optics, and radio frequency transponders and decoders. Simple systems have become more computers reliant. For example, the horn circuit on the 2008 Chrysler 300C involves three separate control modules to function. Even the tires have computers involved, with the addition of tire pressure monitoring systems!

Today’s technician must possess a full and complete electrical background to be able to succeed. The future will provide great opportunities for those technicians who have prepared themselves properly and learn more with this Car Mechanic Course.

On the off chance that you're not especially precisely slanted, you might watch the people who are with appreciation, surprise, and irritation since they have something you don't: a comprehension of how things work and how things fit together. Whenever they dismantle something, they can reassemble it how it was. Whenever they say that they need to investigate the hood, they can really get the darn thing open. Furthermore, when they need to change a level, they don't endure ten minutes attempting to sort out which end of the raise is.

Fortunately, you don't need to be brought into the world with a wrench in your grasp to know how to fix things — even things as apparently convoluted as a vehicle. I know; I've been there. The Introduction fills you in regarding my car revelation.

The Best Way to Learn Car Repair is start with this Auto Mechanic Course.

Obviously, the easiest errands can once in a while be the greatest obstacles to survive. All things considered, in the event that you couldn't actually sort out some way to open the hood, how might you check the oil or the coolant level? That is the reason I start this course with the essentials: straightforward positions that you'll have to do over and over — like opening the hood, lifting a vehicle, and replacing a tire. I likewise incorporate guidelines for filling the gas tank yourself (it's less expensive than full-administration), a reliable technique for dismantling anything and assembling it back once more, and security pointers that each technician — experienced and amateur — ought to notice.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Car Mechanics
  • Auto Mechanic Course Learners
  • Car Mechanic Training Course
  • Car Mechanic Training
  • Automotive Repair Training
  • Online Auto Mechanic Course
  • Auto Repair Class
  • Car Mechanic School

Course Includes:

  • Price: FREE
  • Enrolled: 69379 students
  • Language: English
  • Certificate: Yes

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