Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 3061 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Overcome Insomnia & common sleep problems by understanding the principles of deep sleep, habits and lifestyle choices
You may have difficulty sleeping or you may have difficulty shutting off your mind when you want to sleep. If your sleep problems have led to trouble during the day, such as difficulty with everyday activities, or if they cause you distress then this course is for you
If you simply have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or you do not feel rested when you wake up, this book can help. A noisy mind interferes with sleep. This course will help you to understand the problem of a noisy mind that will help you quiet the mind and improve your sleep
In this course, Aman Varma (CBT) explains the complex processes needed to establish consistently good sleep and laid out a straightforward set of easy-to-follow guidelines. Nothing is left out of this course—from understanding your body’s sleep clock to relaxation and quieting your mind.
However, this is a basic course and its intention is to equip you with the necessary understanding and skills that can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. After this course, you will be able to help yourself come out of sleep problems by yourself
In this course you will learn:
How to overcome insomnia
How to sleep deeper and feel fresh the next day
How to schedule your sleep window
How to quiet your mind in bed
How to relax before bedtime
Mental habits and lifestyle of a good sleeper
Redefining your beliefs about sleep
Learn how to integrate mindfulness for developing self compassion
Master Python Basics in Just One Day with a Complete Learning Experience"
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Windows 11 - Computer Basics - Computer Essentials - OneDrive - Security - Upgrade to Windows 11 - Microsoft 365 Copilot
AWS Foundations | IAM | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) | AWS Storage (EC2) | ELB | ASG | Route 53 | HTML | CSS
Server Deployment | Apache Configuration | MySQL | PHP | Virtual Hosts | NS Records | DNS | AWS Foundations | EC2
Apache Web Server | LAMP Stack | Ubuntu | Virtual Hosts | Nameservers | DNS | SSL | Linode Foundations | SSH | Linux
Digital Ocean | NGINX | LEMP Stack | Domain Names | SSL | WordPress | AWS Foundations | Amazon EC2 | AWS Storage | ELB
Catalog Config | Metadata | Importing | File Formats | Watermarks | Filtering | Views | Collections | Image Corrections
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