Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 150257 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Hi There,
My name is Stephen Koel Soren and I am a graphics and web expert. If you are absolute beginner or if you never open Adobe Premiere pro cc before than this is a perfect class for you. This is a beginner level class so so together me you we will learn Adobe Premiere pro from basic to advance. This is a project base class so you will be able to apply your learned skill in real time class project. You will learn from this class about every basic lesson of video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CC:
You'll learn:
Setting Your Project and Import Video Clips
Multiple Video Placement
Color Adjustment
Noise Reduction
Audio Levelling
Add Text
Unlink And Nest
Speed Of Video
End Credit
Text Animation
Remove Green Screen
Cinematic Effect
Video Blur
Video Inside Text
Multiple Video Same Time
and many more....
I have given an exercise file along with this class so you can practice along with me during learning. In this class during learning if you face any problem than you don't need to worry because I am always there for you to help you out you just have to ask me questions, so lets start learning video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CC together.
Product Management; Product Development; Human-Centric Innovation; Design Thinking; Market Research, Analytics, Analysis
Start with functional programming
Learn the Hacker Methodology
Understand Crypto, essential for Ethical Hackers
دورة إحتراف العمل الحر عبارة عن دورة مجانية لكل من يريد العمل عبر الأنترنت أو العمل عن بعد و الربح من الفريلانس
سوف تعرف في هذه الدورة كل الخورزميات التي تعمل بها محركات البحث و على أساسها تقوم بترتيب النتائج
تدريب شامل لطريقة تصميم و إحتراف بيع دورة تدريبية على يودمي Unofficial
التكلم عن أساسيات التصميم على الفوتوشوب من أجل إنشاء منشورات سوشيال ميديا مع إقتراح أمثلة حية لتصاميم سوشيال ميدياي
أحصل على الحرية من خلال تقديم الدورات التدريبية و إكسب دخل سلبي حتى في وقت نومك
Learn Parametric Family & 3D models for industrial design from zero + Quizzes + Exercise Files
Master Python Basics in Just One Day with a Complete Learning Experience"
Unlock the Power of Python with a Solid Foundation in C and C++
Increase Execution Time
Protecting Your Data
PyGame for total beginners
Vagrant is one of the Tools for DevOps and infrastructure automation. Deploy and virtualize testing environments easily
Learn Use of Tools for Graphics Design
Build SMS Bots | Automate Appointments | Lead Capture | No-Code CRM & AI Integration