Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 17031 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Learn how to program with Clojure, a functional programming language.
Clojure is different from other languages in that it is a functional programming language. This requires you to think in a different way and the learning curve can be steep. This course will give you an easy introduction to functional programming with Clojure. We'll go over the basics and you'll be able to make programs with Clojure.
This is a getting started course. It helps you start at the beginner level.
Learn the Hacker Methodology
Understand Crypto, essential for Ethical Hackers
Risks, Risk Management, Definitions and Concepts, Strategic, Financial, Operational, Compliance, and Reputation Risks
Shape your Future Mastering Speaking Part 2 :A course full of strategies and practice!
Unlock FINRA SIE: Understand Markets, Regulations, and Investments, Navigate Financial Industry for Ultimate Success.
دورة إحتراف العمل الحر عبارة عن دورة مجانية لكل من يريد العمل عبر الأنترنت أو العمل عن بعد و الربح من الفريلانس
سوف تعرف في هذه الدورة كل الخورزميات التي تعمل بها محركات البحث و على أساسها تقوم بترتيب النتائج
تدريب شامل لطريقة تصميم و إحتراف بيع دورة تدريبية على يودمي Unofficial
التكلم عن أساسيات التصميم على الفوتوشوب من أجل إنشاء منشورات سوشيال ميديا مع إقتراح أمثلة حية لتصاميم سوشيال ميدياي
Develop Advanced Visualizations, Real-World Projects, and Interactive Dashboards to Become a Tableau Maestro
Learn Python Programming from Scratch: Build Real-World Skills for Coding, Automation, and Data Science
Product Management; Product Development; Human-Centric Innovation; Design Thinking; Market Research, Analytics, Analysis
Learn about some of the unique challenges as well as the typical hardware/ software found in healthcare IT environments
Introduction to: DevOps, Version Control, Git, CI/CD, Containers, Configuration Management, Monitoring, Logging, Cloud
Video Editing Course For Beginners and Youtube, Facebook, Instagram Video Editing Masterclass Basic To Advanced
Minute Taking | Diary Management | Note Taking | Meeting Layouts, Templates, Structure and Checklist
Master deep learning in PyTorch using an experimental scientific approach, with lots of examples and practice problems.
Learn how to use chatgpt and develop as many websites you want and sell it on online platforms