Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 13960 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
- Difficulty: Beginner
Many organizations do not fully understand the value of Project Management. Hence, as a Project Manager, you have very little authority and made to work on trivial tasks. You might be made redundant if you do not bring any value add in your PM role, In today’s world, with more emphasis on automation, cost-cutting, agility – it is very important to show the benefits you bring to your organization or your team in the PM role
I have worked as a PM in big organizationss as well as startups. I had always felt that most of the organization do not understand the value and importance of a Project Manager. While the senior managerss see the PMs as a person to provide the status reports, the team members think that a PM is a word or an excel expert. They fail to see the value add that a PM brings in a project.
With this course, I will try to create awareness among the PMs to add value in their projects. They should become the most valueable employees in their organizations
In this course, I will talk about
- Roles which should NOT be considered as a PM role as they dilute the PM’s responsibility and authority.
- Best practices which can help you shine in the PM role and eventually make you a valuable resource in your organization.
I created this course from the webinar delivered earlier in the PMI forum.
Few Review comments on the webinar:
"Awesome insights. I loved the approach and the example showcased."
"A good and informative presentation. your term "paper pm" fits a few that I have had to deal with in my early years."
"What an excellent presentation, one of the best I've seen on coaching project management and their success. I really loved it. Thank you."
"Very good - it's comforting to know that so many of us struggle with the same issues. Some good tips here to help flip the script, though. Thanks, Anju!"
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