Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 67123 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Java And PHP Complete Course For Java And PHP Beginners
Section 1: Java Complete Course
Take-Away Skills:
This course is a great introduction to both fundamental programming concepts and the Java programming language. By the end, you'll be comfortable programming in Core Java.
This Course is the first of a series of courses that make up the Core Java Specialization. The Core Java Specialization, in turn, is part of a series of programming specializations and designed to provide the skill set necessary to be hired as an IT developer using Java in many corporate environments. This course includes hands-on practice and will give you a solid knowledge of the Java language. After completing this course, you will be able to identify Java’s benefits, program in basic Java syntax using Java data types, and incorporate branches and loops. The audience for this course: - Anyone interested in learning Java - Programmers - Technical Managers - Application Developers
Topics Covered:
Module-1: Java Fundamentals
Basic Java Program
Compile and run a Java program
Understanding console output
Java Variables and Data Types
Java Operators
Conditional statements
Break and continue
Single Dimensional array
Double Dimensional array
String Class
String methods
Section 3: PHP Complete Course
In this course, you'll explore the basic structure of a web application, and how a web browser interacts with a web server. You'll be introduced to the request/response cycle, You'll also gain an introductory understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), as well as the basic syntax and data structures of the PHP language, variables, logic, iteration, arrays, error handling, and superglobal variables, among other elements. An introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) will allow you to style markup for webpages.
Basic syntax
Input and Output
Arithmetic operators
Conditional operators
Comparison operators
Assignment operators
Conditional statements
and more
See you Inside the course. Thank you
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