What You’ll Learn
  • Our English course uses captivating anchor stories to teach essential language skills to preschoolers.
  • These stories help develop foundational literacy
  • enhance communication
  • boost confidence
  • and promote cognitive development.
  • The interactive and enjoyable narratives prepare young learners for future academic challenges and a lifelong love of reading and writing.
  • "A Day by the Sea - Introducing s words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - the and and"
  • "Sue’s picture book - Introducing a words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - an and is"
  • "Sue has a Dream - Introducing t words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - up and have"
  • "Sue’s School Project - Introducing i words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - to and with"
  • "Sam’s Little Playmate - Introducing p words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - has and than"
  • "Sue’s New Neighbour - Introducing n words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - go and do"
  • "Sue’s New Pet - Introducing c k words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - that and only"
  • "Sue’s wants an Elephant Calf - Introducing e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - make and some"
  • "Sam and Sue at the Farm - Introducing h words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - nice and here"
  • "A Lovely Day for a Road Trip - Introducing r words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - little and see"
  • "Sue is a Mermaid - Introducing m words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - be and get"
  • "Countdown to Sue’s Birthday - Introducing d words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - big and play"
  • "A Day at the Wild Park - Introducing g words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - eat and down"
  • "Sue’s Orange Tree - Introducing o (aw) words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - eat and down"
  • "Uncle Ben’s New House - Introducing u words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - for and like"
  • "Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa - Introducing l words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - we and help"
  • "Fireflies in the Forest - Introducing f words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - look and there"
  • "Sue’s Little Tent House - Introducing b words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - my and you"
  • "Sue’s Jam Sandwiches - Introducing j words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - not and new"
  • "Sue & Sam go to the Zoo - Introducing z words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - want and come"
  • "A Wonderful Day to be Out - Introducing w words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - out and was"
  • "A Very Important Visitor - Introducing v words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - yes and can"
  • "A Yak in Sue’s Dream - Introducing y words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - she and it"
  • "Let’s Talk About the Letter ‘x’ - Introducing x words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - now and will"
  • "Mom feels like a Queen - Introducing qu words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - on and in"


  • Children are not required to have prior attendance at preschool or any other formal educational setting before commencing kindergarten English.


Join Appu & Tiger on a fun learning adventure in kindergarten! Dive into 7.5 hours of lively animated videos and practice sessions that lay a solid groundwork in phonics in English.

Here’s a sneak peek into what they’ll be learning:

s - The story - A Day by the Sea - introduces the snappy s sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'the' and 'and'. The exercise and quiz session helps children practice their acquired skills. Sight words 'the' and 'and' are included.

a - The story - Sue's picture book - is an introduction to the vibrant sound of ‘a', its correct pronunciation and words beginning with it. It also includes the sight words 'an' and 'is'. The exercise and quiz session helps children practice their acquired skills.

t - The story - Sue has a Dream - uncovers the terrific ‘t’ sound, and many words beginning with it. It also highlights the sight words 'up' and 'have'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

i - The story - Sue’s School Project - introduces the i sound, its correct pronunciation and and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'to' and 'with'. An exercise and a quiz help children practice what they learnt.

p - The story - Sam's Little Playmate - presents the 'p' sound, it's right pronunciation and words beginning with it. It also introduces the sight words 'has' and 'than'. The exercise and quiz session at the end give children a chance to practice and reinforce their new skills.

n - The story - Sue’s New Neighbour - is a curtain raiser to the 'n' sound and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'go' and 'do'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

c k - The story - Sue’s New Pet - uncovers 'c-k' sounds and the correct pronunciation of the words beginning with them. It also contains the sight words 'that' and 'only'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

e - The story - Sue’s wants an Elephant Calf - presents the 'e' sound, and the many words beginning with it. It also introduces the sight words 'make' and 'some'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

h - The story - Sam and Sue at the Farm - is an introduction to the 'h' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'nice' and 'here'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

r - The story - A Lovely Day for a Road Trip - uncovers the roaring 'r' sound, and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'little' and 'see'.  An exercise and a quiz at the end of the module help children practice what they learnt.

m - The story - Sue is a Mermaid - is a curtain raiser to the 'm' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'be' and 'get'. The exercise and quiz session at the end give children a chance to practice and reinforce their new skills.

d - The story - Countdown to Sue’s Birthday - introduces the 'd' sound and the various words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'big' and 'play'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

g - The story - A Day at the Wild Park - is an introduction to the 'g' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'eat' and 'down'. An exercise and a quiz help children practice what they learnt.

o (aw) - The story - Sue’s Orange Tree - introduces the 'o' (aw) sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'eat' and 'down'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills. 

u - The story - Uncle Ben’s New House - uncovers the 'u' sound, and words that begin with it. It also contains the sight words 'for' and 'like'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

l - The story - Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa - is an introduction to the 'l' sound, and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'we' and 'help'. The exercise and quiz session helps children practice their acquired skills.

f - The story - Fireflies in the Forest - unveils the fantastic 'f' sound, and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'look' and 'there'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

b - The story - Sue’s Little Tent House - is an introduction to the 'b' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'my' and 'you'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

j - The story - Sue’s Jam Sandwiches - presents the 'j' sound, and various words that begin with it. It also contains the sight words 'not' and 'new'.  An exercise and a quiz at the end of the module help children practice what they learnt.

z - The story - Sue & Sam go to the Zoo - introduces the 'z' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'want' and 'come'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

w - The story - A Wonderful Day to be Out - uncovers the 'w' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'out' and 'was'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

v - The story - A Very Important Visitor - presents the 'v' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'yes' and 'can'. The exercise and quiz session at the end give children a chance to practice and reinforce their new skills.

y - The story - A Yak in Sue’s Dream - introduces the 'y' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'she' and 'it'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

x - The story - Let’s Talk About the Letter ‘x’ - is an introduction to the 'x' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'now' and 'will'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz at the end of the module help children hone their acquired skills.

qu - The story - Mom feels like a Queen - uncovers the 'qu' sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'on' and 'in'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

Skills Developed:

Phonetic Awareness: Recognizing and distinguishing different letter sounds.

Word Decoding: Applying phonics skills to read simple words.

Spelling: Learning to spell basic words through phonetic patterns.

Reading Fluency: Improving the ability to read smoothly and accurately.

Vocabulary Building: Expanding word knowledge through context in stories.

Listening Comprehension: Enhancing understanding through listening to engaging stories.

Oral Expression: Developing clear and effective verbal communication.

Memory Retention: Remembering phonetic sounds and word patterns through repetition.

Story Comprehension: Understanding and recalling the main ideas and details of stories.

Creative Thinking: Encouraging imaginative exploration of stories and their meanings.

Those under 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage. This course is intended for purchase by adults.

Who this course is for:

  • This kindergarten English course is designed for children of 4 to 6 years age who are beginning their formal education journey.

Course Includes:

  • Price: FREE
  • Enrolled: 23 students
  • Language: English
  • Certificate: Yes

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