What You’ll Learn
  • Our English course uses captivating anchor stories to teach essential language skills to preschoolers.
  • These stories help develop foundational literacy
  • enhance communication
  • boost confidence
  • and promote cognitive development.
  • The interactive and enjoyable narratives prepare young learners for future academic challenges and a lifelong love of reading and writing.
  • "The Cheep and Chirp up the Tree - Introducing ch words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - for and like"
  • "A Fun Day at the Beach - Introducing sh words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - so and find"
  • "Books Give us Wings - Introducing ph words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - of and what"
  • "Bake Day with Grandma - Introducing wh words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - did and too"
  • "An Awesome Rainy Day - Introducing th words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - he and this"
  • "A Game of Words - Introducing th hard words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - funny and no"
  • "The Magic Cloak - Introducing bl cl words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - at and am"
  • "Sue’s Imaginary Friend - Introducing fl gl words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - blue and where"
  • "Sue’s Treasure Hunt - Introducing sl pl words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - right and two"
  • "A Grand Morning for Sam & Sue - Introducing br cr words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - every and could"
  • "Sue
  • Neena & the Dragonfly - Introducing dr fr words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - after and would"
  • "Grandma’s Special Doctor - Introducing gr pr tr words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - more and many"
  • "An Interesting Day by the Pond - Introducing sc sk words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - their and by"
  • "The Little Firefighters - Introducing sm sn words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - your and ate"
  • "The Teeny Tiny Caterpillar - Introducing sp sqw words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - one and when"
  • "A Lovely Time at the Farm - Introducing stuh swuh words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - down and made"
  • "The Power of Magic e - Introducing magic e - a_e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - mother and were"
  • "A Nice Sweet Surprise - Introducing magic e - e_e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - mother and were"
  • "The Magic ‘e’ and the Vowel ‘o’ - Introducing magic e - o_e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - should and also"
  • "The Flute That Doesn’t Play - Introducing magic e - u_e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - does and cover"
  • "Kitty Goes Missing - Introducing long vowel a words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - other and love"
  • "Sue’s New Friend in the Mountains - Introducing long vowel e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - father and why"
  • "Pies for the School Fest - Introducing long vowel i words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - put and who"
  • "A New Friend for Sam - Introducing long vowel o - oa ow o_e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - old and always"
  • "Tough Luck for Neena - Introducing long vowel u - ew ue u_e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - goes and any"
  • "Sue is in Charge - Introducing long and short vowel a e words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - four and soon"
  • "Sam Has a Great Plan - Introducing long and short vowel i o u words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - off and pretty"
  • "A Lovely Autumn Day - Introducing au aw words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - both and change"
  • "A Seed and A Squirrel - Introducing oi oy words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - kind and great"
  • "A Pug Called Ruff - Introducing ow words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - people and word"
  • "A Caterpillar in Sue’s Garden - Introducing hard and soft c words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - eye and yellow"
  • "A Strange Stormy Night - Introducing hard and soft g words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - might and night"
  • "Sue’s Homework - Introducing bossy r words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - water and once"
  • "A Visit to the Hospital - Introducing bossy r - e i u words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - through and around"
  • "To the Mall with Aunt Rita - Introducing ng nk words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - head and over"
  • "Sue is a Kind Helper - Introducing ll ff ss zz words - Story
  • Exercise
  • Quiz and Sight Words - near and both"


  • "It is recommended to finish - Learn Kindergarten - 1 English with Appu & Tiger - before commencing Kindergarten - 2."


Join Appu & Tiger on a fun learning adventure in kindergarten! Dive into 12.5 hours of lively animated videos and practice sessions that lay a solid groundwork in phonics in English.

Here’s a sneak peek into what they’ll be learning:

ch - The story - The Cheep and Chirp up the Tree - is an introduction to the 'ch' sound and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'for' and 'like'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

sh - The story - A Fun Day at the Beach - unveils the 'sh' sound and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'so' and 'find'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills. 

ph - The story - Books Give us Wings - uncovers the 'ph' sound and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'of' and 'what'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

wh - The story - Bake Day with Grandma - presents the 'wh' sound and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'did' and 'too'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

th - The story - An Awesome Rainy Day - uncovers the 'th' sound and words that begin with it. It also contains the sight words 'he' and 'this'. The module concludes with an exercise and a quiz designed to help children practice what they learnt.

th hard - The story - A Game of  Words - unveils the 'th' hard sound, and the many words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'funny' and 'no'.  The exercise and quiz session helps children practice their acquired skills.

bl cl - The story - The Magic Cloak - is an introduction to the 'bl' and 'cl' sound, and words that begin with it. It also contains the sight words 'at' and 'am'. The exercise and quiz session at the end give children a chance to practice and reinforce their new skills.

fl gl - The story - Sue’s Imaginary Friend - presents the 'fl' and 'gl' sound and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'blue' and 'where'. The practice session with an exercise and a quiz help children hone their acquired skills.

sl pl - The story - Sue’s Treasure Hunt - introduces the sl pl sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'right' and 'two'.

br cr - The story - A Grand Morning for Sam & Sue - introduces the br cr sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'every' and 'could'.

dr fr - The story - Sue, Neena & the Dragonfly - introduces the dr fr sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'after' and 'would'.

gr pr tr - The story - Grandma’s Special Doctor - introduces the gr pr tr sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'more' and 'many'.

sc sk - The story - An Interesting Day by the Pond - introduces the sc sk sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'their' and 'by'.

sm sn - The story - The Little Firefighters - introduces the sm sn sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'your' and 'ate'.

sp sqw - The story - The Teeny Tiny Caterpillar - introduces the sp sqw sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'one' and 'when'.

stuh swuh - The story - A Lovely Time at the Farm - introduces the stuh swuh sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'down' and 'made'.

magic e - a_e - The story - The Power of Magic 'e' - introduces the magic e - a_e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'mother' and 'were'.

magic e - e_e - The story - A Nice Sweet Surprise - introduces the magic e - e_e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'mother' and 'were'.

magic e - o_e - The story - The Magic ‘e’ and the Vowel ‘o’ - introduces the magic e - o_e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'should' and 'also'.

magic e - u_e - The story - The Flute That Doesn’t Play - introduces the magic e - u_e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'does' and 'cover'.

long vowel a - The story - Kitty Goes Missing - introduces the long vowel a sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'other' and 'love'.

long vowel e - The story - Sue’s  New Friend in the Mountains - introduces the long vowel e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'father' and 'why'.

long vowel i - The story - Pies for the School Fest - introduces the long vowel i sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'put' and 'who'.

long vowel o - oa ow o_e - The story - A New Friend for Sam - introduces the long vowel o - oa ow o_e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'old' and 'always'.

long vowel u - ew ue u_e - The story - Tough Luck for Neena - introduces the long vowel u - ew ue u_e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'goes' and 'any'.

long and short vowel a e - The story - Sue is in Charge - introduces the long and short vowel a e sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'four' and 'soon'.

long and short vowel i o u - The story - Sam Has a Great Plan - introduces the long and short vowel i o u sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'off' and 'pretty'.

au aw - The story - A Lovely Autumn Day - introduces the au aw sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'both' and 'change'.

oi oy - The story - A Seed and A Squirrel - introduces the oi oy sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'kind' and 'great'.

ow - The story - A Pug Called Ruff - introduces the ow sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'people' and 'word'.

hard and soft c - The story - A Caterpillar in Sue’s Garden - introduces the hard and soft c sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'eye' and 'yellow'.

hard and soft g - The story - A Strange Stormy Night - introduces the hard and soft g sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'might' and 'night'.

bossy r - The story - Sue’s Homework - introduces the bossy r sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'water' and 'once'.

bossy r - e i u - The story - A Visit to the Hospital - introduces the bossy r - e i u sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'through' and 'around'.

ng nk - The story - To the Mall with Aunt Rita - introduces the ng nk sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'head' and 'over'.

ll ff ss zz - The story - Sue is a Kind Helper - introduces the ll ff ss zz sound, and words beginning with it. It also contains the sight words 'near' and 'both'.

Skills Developed:

Phonetic Awareness: Recognizing and distinguishing different letter sounds.

Word Decoding: Applying phonics skills to read simple words.

Spelling: Learning to spell basic words through phonetic patterns.

Reading Fluency: Improving the ability to read smoothly and accurately.

Vocabulary Building: Expanding word knowledge through context in stories.

Listening Comprehension: Enhancing understanding through listening to engaging stories.

Oral Expression: Developing clear and effective verbal communication.

Memory Retention: Remembering phonetic sounds and word patterns through repetition.

Story Comprehension: Understanding and recalling the main ideas and details of stories.

Creative Thinking: Encouraging imaginative exploration of stories and their meanings.

Those under 18 may use the services only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage. This course is intended for purchase by adults.

Who this course is for:

  • This Kindergarten English course is designed for children typically aged 4 to 6 years old who are beginning their formal education journey.

Course Includes:

  • Price: FREE
  • Enrolled: 48 students
  • Language: English
  • Certificate: Yes

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