What You’ll Learn
  • Quickly Learn the Linux Command Line from Scratch!
  • Become an Independent User of the Linux Operating System!
  • Operate a Linux Computer Entirely from the Command Line!
  • Gain a Complete Understanding of Linux & fill in any existing knowledge gaps!
  • The basics of handling and organizing files
  • Linux Servers Structure
  • Basics To Advanced Commands


  • This Course is targeted Primarily at Beginners
  • So if you have more than a few years Linux experience
  • this course might not be for you.
  • Own Computer
  • Linux Operating System


This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of Linux administration, from the basics of navigating the command line to advanced concepts such as network administration and system security. Through a combination of informative lectures and practical hands-on exercises, you'll gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in any Linux environment.

Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced Linux user looking to sharpen your skills, this course has something for everyone. You'll learn how to perform common system administration tasks, manage users and permissions, troubleshoot common issues, and much more. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid foundation in Linux administration that you can use to excel in your career or personal projects.

With easy-to-follow lectures and interactive exercises, this course makes learning Linux administration fun and engaging. So why wait? Enroll today and start mastering the Linux command line!

this course, you will learn everything related to Linux, specifically the basics for advanced stages, systematically, with a special approach to the system, with additions to the world of networks and navigation, learning the line of quick and self-learning logic in Linux, explained in addition to deep learning in Linux ultimately, in addition to Linux servicesThe BEST Linux Administration course that prepares you for corporate jobs and RHCSA, RHCE, LFCS, CLNP certificationsLinux Commands from Scratch and improve your career with the world's most enjoyable Linux course based on projects, files and Linux server management

We have built this course for beginners without experience with the Linux system and the command-line interface.

In this course, you'll learn the basics of the command line interface of a Linux server: the terminal and shell (GNU Bash). This course includes an introduction to files and directories in the Linux filesystem.

Become an Ethical Hacker like Red Hats, You Will Learn the Meaning Of Linux administration & Servers Services Good Luck!

Welcome to The Linux Command Line Bootcamp, a brand new course that aims to turn you into a command line power user! This course will teach you dozens and dozens of powerful commands (see the long list at the bottom), but more importantly, it gives you the tools they continue to learn new commands and take full control of your machine. The skills you learn in this course will make you a stronger web developer, data scientist, machine learning engineer, game dev, or plain old computer user! You will feel POWERFUL!!

Hi there, my name is Colt Steele. I've spent years leading in-person software engineering boot camps and have helped thousands of students change careers. Online I've taught over a million students and have hundreds of thousands of 5-star ratings and reviews.

This is an interactive course full of exercises and fun challenges that force you to practice the skills you are learning. You'll encounter some of the same assignments and projects that my in-person bootcamp students experience. Learning command after command can be a dreadfully boring experience, but I've tried my best to make this course as exciting and interesting as possible :) You may roll your eyes at my jokes, but you won't be bored!

The course starts with a deep dive into confusing technical terms like terminal, shell, kernel, Unix, Unix-Like, GNU, Linux, and Bash. It's important to understand the context and the WHYs around the command line and its history that still impacts our machines today.

Then we shift our focus to the general patterns and structure that all commands follow including options and arguments. This blueprint we define will inform every single other topic we cover throughout the rest of the course. You'll also learn HOW to learn more about specific commands using the man, help, which, and type commands.

Next, we cover the super-important Linux folder structure and learn essential commands for navigating our machines including ls, pwd, and cd. You'll be an expert navigator in no time!

From there we learn to create new files and folders right from the command line using the commands touch, mkdir, and file. Next, we dive deep into a special text editor built right into the command line called Nano. You'll learn to open and edit files using Nano, master various Nano shortcuts, and even learn how to configure nano's global settings.

The next section covers the powerful commands rm, mv, and cp. You'll learn how to remove individual files and entire directories, move and rename files, and copy files and folders right from the command line. These are some of the most useful commands you can know!

Then we take a quick break to focus on useful keyboard shortcuts you can use to improve your terminal efficiency, before diving into the history command and history expansion.

The next section covers tons of commands that have to do with manipulating file contents, including less, cat, tac, rev, head, tail, wc, and sort. Then we cover the three standard streams: standard input, standard output, and standard error. You'll learn to redirect all three streams and take full control of your data.

Next, we move to my favorite topic: piping! In this section, you'll learn how to construct complex and powerful pipelines by stringing together multiple individual commands. You'll also learn about the tr command and the tee command along the way.

From there we learn to "speak" the language of the shell using Expansion and Substitution. You'll learn the ins and outs of pathname expansion using wildcard characters, tilde expansion, and the super powerful curly brace expansion. We also cover arithmetic expansion, command substitution, and single and double quoting.

Next up we learn about two commands that help us find files on our machine: locate and find. We pay special attention to the find command and its many fancy options and use cases. You'll learn how to find files by name, size, timestamps, and more. You'll also learn how to bulk-edit files using find's exec option and the xargs command.

We then shift our focus to the grep command. You'll learn how to use grep to recursively search the contents of files and match complex files using regular expressions.

Next, we spend some time discussing the details of file permissions. You'll learn how to read file attributes and understand read, write, and execute permissions. In the next section, we learn how to alter permissions using commands including chmod, chown, sudo, and su.

In the next section, we learn how to customize our shell experience. You'll learn to write your custom aliases, work with shell variables, and even create your fancy prompt. Then we learn how to create our complex commands from scratch and the basics of bash scripting! By the end, you'll be writing and running your programs.

Finally, we learn about the mysterious cron daemon. You'll learn the odd-looking cron syntax to set up your own automated and scheduled cronjobs.

============THE END============

Whether you have some experience with basic commands or you're a complete beginner, this course will help take your skills to the next level. Learning the command line is one of the rare skills that transcend the typical divisions between web development, data science, machine learning, or any other tech disciplines. If you work with a computer daily, you will benefit from mastering the command line. The commands you learn in the course will change the way you interact with your machine, giving you all new workflows and strategies and POWER over your computer! More importantly, you'll leave this course prepared to conquer ALL the commands that are waiting for you out in the real world and on the job.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in becoming a command line power user!
  • Compute Anyone interested in web development
  • data science
  • or a career that involves code!r users who want complete control over their machine
  • Students with some prior command line experience who want to gain complete mastery
  • Cyber Security Engineers
  • Cyber Security Architecture
  • Computer Science Students
  • Beginner Computer Science Students
  • Linux Students
  • Linux + Students
  • Linux Lovers

Course Includes:

  • Price: FREE
  • Enrolled: 45953 students
  • Language: Arabic
  • Certificate: Yes

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