What You’ll Learn
  • Java :)
  • Learn the Java basics
  • including syntax and primitive data types
  • Get necessary knowledge to demonstrate your skills of Java to future employers
  • Students will learn programming basics which will help them to understand any other programming language
  • Interview practice tests
  • In this course you will get knowledge which is needed to proceed with understanding of Android
  • Spring Framework and other enterprise frameworks
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Understand difference between Java 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • Learn best practices from true programmer
  • Learn how to write scalable
  • readable and maintainable clean code
  • 30+ coding exercises
  • You will learn source code of the tutor. All homework is completed with the Trainer
  • Learn how to use integrated development environments to create Java programs
  • Debugging tools
  • Eclipse IDE
  • SOLID principles
  • Git
  • Java Collections Framework
  • Implementations of the List interface
  • Map Interface and Implementations
  • Set Interface and Implementations
  • Best practices of using collections in Java
  • Performance comparision of different collections
  • Functional programming in Java
  • Lambda functions
  • Method references
  • Clean Architecture Design
  • GoF Patterns (Creational
  • Structural and Behavioral)
  • Test-driven development
  • BDD and ATTD
  • Integration Testing
  • JUnit 5
  • Mockito
  • Powermock
  • Reflection API
  • Optional class
  • How to work with date and time in Java
  • Modules in Java
  • Migration to a modular application
  • Relational Databases
  • SQL
  • Database Architecture
  • JDBC
  • I18N & L10N (Internationalization and Localization with Java)
  • Database normalization & Normal forms
  • Database optimization
  • Indexes in Databases
  • Data Modelling
  • Database Architecture
  • DML
  • DDL
  • Postman
  • Web API
  • HTTP Methods
  • Servlets
  • Web Filters
  • Events Handling in Web Application
  • Error Handling in Web Application
  • JSP
  • JSTL
  • Custom Tags in JSP
  • OWASP Top 10
  • Secure Coding in Java
  • Logging in Java
  • JPA (Jakarta Persistence API
  • Java Persistence API)
  • Hibernate
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Core
  • Spring IoC (Inversion of control) & Spring DI (Dependency Injection)
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring JDBC
  • Spring AOP
  • REST Architecture
  • Spring Boot
  • Creating of the Web application (online shop) using Srping Framework
  • OpenAI API
  • ChatGPT
  • Best Practices of using ChatGPT
  • Slack Messanger API
  • Jira Software Cloud API
  • ChatGPT
  • Slack
  • Jira Integration via Java Spring Boot Web App
  • Create Web App via Spring Boot
  • ChatGPT
  • Jira
  • Slack for Project Management Operations Automation
  • OpenAI API
  • ChatGPT
  • Best Practices of using ChatGPT
  • Slack Messenger API
  • Jira Software Cloud API
  • Create Web App via Spring Boot
  • ChatGPT
  • Jira
  • Slack for Project Management Operations Automation
  • ChatGPT
  • Slack
  • Jira Integration via Java Spring Boot Web App


  • You want to learn Java while having fun :)
  • No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know.


Welcome to the fundamental and the most complete course 'Java from Zero to First Job'.  As it's declared in the course name, it's created for people who want to learn programming from scratch. You need to know how to turn on your computer, no other knowledge is required for this course :) The rest will be covered in lessons.

Just read some reviews to learn what other people say about the course:


"I am senior Java developer having 10+ years of experience. I have role to train new Folks for java. I have enrolled in 20+ courses in Java for different authors to check what is the best content available on Udemy but the way u have explained the concepts and provided homework and coding exercises(in test format) is incredibly outstanding. I am 100% sure whoever takes this course, will be able to crack java interviews. Thanks for this hard work which you have put on this course. Cheers!!"

Akram Kozak:

"I can see that he is totally clear in explaining everything and he also cares about his students all the time and never skips the smallest detail about teaching them. Thank you for the course."

Josua Hamonangan:

"Love this course.. Love with the visualization, it makes it simplier to understand.. THANKS A LOT"

Emanuele Verrienti:

"Before buying the complete Java course, I finished the previous one for free, so without any second thoughts or doubts I believe that the instructor absolutely deserves 5 full stars for the course he created and the commitment. Moreover the English language used is VERY CLEAR (and I'm italian!) therefore whoever affirms/writes the opposite is clearly in "bad faith" (probably "competition"?! ). So, completing my review, I believe that anyone who wants to learn Java and do it with an updated course should definitely buy this course."

Denys Malik:

"Great course. It is well-structured and has a big amount of practice. I've got a lot of useful info from it. Thank you."

Eslam Abd El-azize Mohamed Mohamed:

"wow its very cool course"

Kavindu Harshitha:

"Best JAVA course highly recommended Thank you for this course"

Sabrina Maia Quirino:

"Teaches incredibly well, he makes it easy to understand!"

Dayana Pergament:

"The teacher explains every little details. I love learning from him thank you so much for this"

Ishan Kapoor:


And thousands of other reviews and happy students!

Before starting the creation of this course, our team attentively investigated feedbacks for existing courses on the Udemy platform and tried to focus on the feedbacks for the top-rated courses to understand what can be improved in this course and make it, even more, better from the quality standpoint. After analysis, we understand what will help students to learn Java in a more efficient way. In this course:

- High concentration of useful material in each lesson

Sometimes you can notice that watching 5 minutes of our lesson is equivalent to watching other 30 minutes lessons.

This is because time spent for preparation for the lesson (script for the lesson, lesson structure) and video editing (to cut boring pieces of the lesson or time when the program loads) sometimes 10 times as much (sometimes even 20) as the final lesson duration after video editing.

Only your homework and coding exercises including the EXAM task might take approximately 20 hours to implement.

Also, each topic is separated from another. In case some concept will be explained in the next lesson and you don't need to worry about understanding this in the scope of this lesson - the instructor will make an announcement when a specific topic will be covered.

Go and try it yourself! We will appreciate your feedback.

- Relevant knowledge

After our team investigated other Java courses on Udemy we realized that most of them have nothing in common with real life. The information which is shared there is very old and significantly out of date. For example, the instructor teaches a framework which is not been used already for 15 years. Or instructors do stress on the programming design which is not used anymore at all!

The instructor of this course is a consultant in a top-rated IT outsourcing company and helps to bring cutting-edge solutions in IT for all his clients. Feel free to check the LinkedIn page of the instructor and check skills endorsement. More than 18 thousand people across all over the world (BTW most of them are from the top 100 companies of the world) evaluated the skills of Andrii Piatakha.

With this course, you can be sure that you will spend your time learning the right things from one of the best IT consultants in the world.

- Sequence of lessons

After the years of teaching offline, and based on the feedback of students who are passing online courses we realized how important the sequence of lessons is while teaching Java. The same issue is with the books where information is completely unstructured what makes things even more complex. For example, how students can learn object-oriented programming from the first lesson if they don't know yet the java syntax basics? Or how a student can implement a home task if he/she doesn't aware of java methods specifics, or doesn't know yet how to read program input?

So in this course, you can be sure, that you will not get a home task to implement without having enough information to implement it. The program which is in this course is proven by many students who completed it offline and now work as software engineers in outsourcing companies and as freelancers.

- Interview practice tests

Being an IT consultant in different companies, the tutor of this course was in charge of driving the interview process in companies to make sure, that company selects the best people. That's why the first interview is always test. In case the test is completed, the candidate is invited to have a conversation. That's why in this course we want to prepare you to complete tests successfully!

Especially for our students, we prepared tests that could be used to evaluate their knowledge during the interview process.

2 tests. 90 questions each (180 interview tests in total). 120 minutes each.

You can read explanations for answers! That also can help you to learn the material better. Don't wait, try it now!

- Q&A support

The significant difference between the online and offline learning processes is the instructor's availability. If you are in one room with a tutor he always can help you to get understand the specific concepts or to help fix your code on your computer.
In this course, we are supporting students with answers to any questions flagged in the Q&A section. In case there will be recurring questions - separate video lessons will be created to show how to address the issue.

So with this course you are not just getting video materials, code exercises, source code, access to the free mobile application without limits (which is still pretty cool, huh? :) ), but you also get tutor support and answers to your questions along with this course.

- Open source code

We hide nothing from our students! Including the source code for the home task solutions and source code of examples that were shared during the lesson. Having the source code you can just copy and paste it to run it on your local computer to understand how things work better.

- Free mobile App without limits for our students

Knowing Java is one skill. Be able to pass interviews in the company - that is another skill :) Nowadays a lot of companies use tests to select candidates on the first level of interview. We developed applications to practice skills specifically for such purposes.

In this course, we will provide you link to download our FREE mobile app for android. (soon it will be also available for iOS platforms)

The instructor of this course comes up with hundreds of tests that are used to test the knowledge of candidates. With this application, you will be well-prepared for the interview.

Also, only for our students - there is no limit on attempts to pass certification. In the course, we will tell you how to set up a special bonus code that will remove restrictions for our students inside the app.

- Coding exercises

To learn to program is not enough just watching videos and reading books. You also need to have a lot of practice. In this training course, you will have different practical tasks which will help you learn and understand Java better.

One of the key tasks where you can practice your knowledge is the implementation of a backend system for an online store. Also, you have a lot of tasks that use domain-specific terminology: accounts, transactions, users, carts, menu, services, etc. So that means you are learning programming without abstract concepts like it is written in the books or in other courses. You learn domain-specific terminology and during the lessons, we investigate specific extracts from code that can give you a clear vision of how you can apply the knowledge in real life.

So don't wait! Take a look at the lessons' preview if you still have doubts!

Buy this course today, and you will get all updates for FREE!

Right now our team keeps working on the next lessons for this course. We are preparing for you a lot of other topics and coding exercises! Our goal - to create a web application together with you. Buy this course today, and you will receive all updates for free! Isn't that cool? :)

For those who successfully passed this training course, or for students who were recognized for asking amazing questions, there is a special offer from the IT-Bulls company! The creator of this course is IT-Bulls company CEO and Founder. We are always in search of talents to run our amazing startups together with you. Probably you always dreamed about running your own startup? In this course, you will be able to find the team who will teach you how to do that and (in particular cases) will be glad to help with implementation!

Hope you enjoy this course! And remember, we appreciate all your feedback! Your feedback will help us to become even better! Your feedback will help us to create to best Java course ever!

See you at the lessons! :)

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone who wants to learn java from scratch
  • People who wants to learn programming basics
  • Future software engineers of web applications
  • Future android developers
  • Future test automation engineers

Course Includes:

  • Price: FREE
  • Enrolled: 265599 students
  • Language: English
  • Certificate: Yes

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