Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 314512 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
===== Students' Reviews =====
"Very insightful information that other courses do not necessarily go over" -- Andrew Austin
"Good quality of teaching. It's very useful where 22 courses at one place. Very good explanation on each and every installation process and exercises shown. Thanks! to Udemy and Creative Online School" -- Pramod Ganta
"Great ! Short videos but good understanding" -- Ashiouzzaman Real
"The instructor is very clear-spoken and explains things very elegantly. Very easy to follow and understand what is going on." -- Sharla Field
Web development is an amazing career path now a days. By completion of this course, you will master yourself in several languages/platforms/databases. This course gives you hands-on and practical experience on HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, Python, JavaScript, XML, JSON, Apache, Wordpress, and more.
Mastering these areas are one of the fastest ways to improve your career. Hope this course will be used as a helping hand for your prospective career. Please dig on free preview videos for more information.
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Domina HostGator, el hosting ideal para WordPress, y gestiona tus dominios y sitios web, de forma fácil y simple.
Aprende a cómo crear una landing page con WordPress y consigue clientes a través de Internet, de forma fácil y simple.
Computing Fundamentals: The Ultimate Guide to IT Networking, OS, Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Aprende a cómo crear una tienda online con WordPress para vender tus productos por Internet de forma fácil y simple.