Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 4733 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
The Book of 2 Timothy illustrates profound truths about:
God's desire for man
The end of man
End times prophesy
Paul's future
Ministry succession
Whether one of your favorite scriptures is about God giving us the spirit of power, of love and of self discipline or I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have kept the faith; the book of 2 Timothy includes the above and also abounds with much more!
In this book we are provided with a further insight about Timothy's back ground and upbringing as well as Pauls end of service remarks.
Not limited to the above the book chronicles the lives of those who have served Paul over the life of his ministry and gives a preview into their current state and their own accomplishments. It is here we learn a frighten truth about Demas and Alexander the metal worker, the reconciliation with Mark and the role Dr Luke continued to paly in Paul's life.
2 Timothy captures some brief eschatological events; presents us with the charge to accept the profound usefulness of the scriptures for all areas of our lives as well as the faithfulness of God in standing with Paul at his defence.
Whether you desire to change a habit or are concerned about the Jannes and Jambres you need to oppose; there are at least 7 lessons you can apply to your life immediately. So join the course now and experience your own life transformation
A 4.5 Star Review of the Book of 2 Timothy by Student Bob Klug
I enjoyed this concise course on the Second Book of Timothy. The instructor does an excellent job of choosing what lessons to discuss and on making the lessons apply to your life.
I sincerely hope that just as the Paul commended David's service in his generation we can also fulfill GOD;s purpose in ours as we learn from the Book of 2 Timothy.
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