Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 4818 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Recent Review from a previous course:
"Yes, it was a great course and is very helpful for Christians" - Isha Singhal
"I enjoyed this concise course on the Second Book of Timothy. The instructor does an excellent job of choosing what lessons to discuss and on making the lessons apply to your life." - Bob Klug
"It helped me to summarize Mark and use the information in teaching".- Florence Taber-Brown
What makes this Gospel unique screams at you from the beginning! It is
- The only Gospel of the Bible written by a Gentile,
- It has the longest chapter in the New Testament,
- Its genealogy is taken from Joseph all the way to Adam
- The only Gospel written in chronological order
and the only Gospel that gives us an insight in the childhood of Jesus
Dr. Luke's investigative writing style draws you into the revelational knowledge of Jesus in a deliberate manner that hooks you until the end of the Book.
This course draws out 24 key lessons from this amazing Book that you and I can use to help transform our lives to resemble that of Jesus.
All in all this is a life transforming portion of Scripture and I hope you find it as equally deserving to be studied just as I discovered. The lessons are to be applied to our everyday existence if we are to access the power locked up in these words.
This book illustrates profound truths about:
Birth of Jesus - Mary's perspective
Political life during the days of Jesus
The Power of God to heal
Prayer nuggets
I sincerely hope that just as Jesus lived with the apostles and transformed them into formidable proponents of the word; we in our generation will release all aspects of our lives to the Holy Spirit. I pray that the word from these teaching will compel you to desire to be more like Jesus!
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Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark and the 16 Lessons You Can Apply For A Personal Life Transformation.
Bible Study of the Book of 1 Timothy and the lessons individuals can draw from this man Timothy!
Bible Study of the Book of 1 Timothy and the lessons individuals can draw from this man Timothy!
Bible Study of the Book of Titus and the lessons individuals can draw from this man Titus!
Epistle of Jude; Learn how to apply this letter to life for maximum transformation. Use this letter to achieve growth!
Bible Study of the letter to Philippians and the lessons individuals can apply to their lives and get great results!
Bible Study of the letter to Ephesians and the lessons individuals can apply to their lives and get great results!
Quickly learn how to create software applications.
Unleash the Power of Data with SAP Query: From Beginner to Pro
Learn the biblical method of How To Become A Great Leader, push through oppositions, mobilise people & be an overcomer!
Manifest God's Prophetic Word Over Your Life Speedily! God Restores All You Have Lost and He Sets You Up For His Glory!
Apply the Purpose, Theme, Power in The Book of Romans To Radically Transform Your Life Like It Did For Martin Luther!
How To Beat The World At Its Game!
Getting Results During A Suffering Season
Paul's Letter To The Churches in Galatia, Understanding Grace, Promise & The Law, Life by the Spirit & True Freedom
The srpremacy of Christ Jesus, your fullness in God, the power within you and how that shapes the way you live today!
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Explore Prophetic Insights, Navigate Spiritual Challenges, and Prepare for Christ's Return