Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 8758 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Master course : boosting resilience with mindfulness
In the workplace, how can resilience help?
It's because resilient people recover from adversity without losing their confidence or morale. In the world of work, there will always be setbacks; never does anything go according to plan, and sometimes things go wrong out of our control. These things can get the best of us if we don't have the resilience to handle them.
Resilience: how do you build it?
Because resilience is so much about outlook and response, it's a special skill. In addition to techniques for improving one's initial response to something bad or unwanted, it's an adaptive mode of thinking. The short-term solution to negative thoughts is to use relaxation techniques - like deep breathing or even exercises - before tackling them more deeply through self-exploration and discussion. Having a support network in place where you can disclose anxieties and find solutions is crucial.
Living in the moment and mindfulness:
Being mindful means living in the moment. Living a more aware and awake life is what it's all about. Basically, it's about being fully present in every moment, being fully engaged in everything that happens. Instead of habitual patterns of judgment and criticism, it involves bringing an attitude of curiosity, acceptance, and friendliness.
The five major topics I'd like to cover in this master's course are:
1. Introduction and the importance of resilience and mindfulness
2. Benefits and pillars of resilience and mindfulness
3. How do you build resilience through mindfulness?
4. Resilience: Types, causes and how to develop it
5. Mindfulness: Types, causes and how to develop it
Cloud Computing, Cloud Ctorage, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Security, AWS, Google cloud, Azure Cloud, Hybrid, multi-cloud
Employee Recognition Programs, Employee engagement, Human Resources, Employee Performance Management, Awards and rewards
Vigilant leaders, Upskilling leaders, ERG Leadership, Leadership, Personal Development, Change Management,Manager Skills
Product Strategy Creation, Product Marketing, Product Development, Sales Funnel, Product design, Product management
CX / Customer Experience. Product Management and Development. Customer journey and touchpoints, CJM. Product Life-cycle
Remote selling, Virtual Sales Presentations, Sales Skills, Online Meeting skills, ZOOM meeting skills,Power Point Skills
Zero Trust Architecture, Cyber security, Network security, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM Zero Trust Architecture, MFA Security
Amazon S3, AWS S3, aws storage, AWS lambda, Website hosting Amazon S3, Cloud Storage, Amazon AWS, AWS buckets & objects
Entrepreneurship, Big Picture Thinking, detail oriented, CEO skills, Strategic thinking, Business development, Startups
Chinese business culture, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups, Chinese Business etiquette, Market adaptation, Guanxi
Agile Marketing, Sprint Marketing,Digital Marketing, Scrum, Marketing Sprints, Agile project management, Agile framework
Sales rep, New Sales representative job, Sales skills, Sales Ideas, Sales training, Sales manager job, Marketing skills
Chatbot Technology, Google Gemini, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Conversational AI, User-Centric Design, AI Trends
Market Research, Marketing Strategy, Sales Strategy, Market Research, Digital Marketing, Marketing analyst, Social Media
Retail business, Retail business management, Merchandising, Super market management, Retail business strategy
Employee Performance Management, Employee onboarding, Employee orientation, Employee engagement, performance appraisal
Marketing Fundamentals 101 level, Marketing Development, Digital Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Channels, Campaigns
Positive Psychology, Social Psychology, Positive thinking, Happiness, Social Imapct, Social Skills, Human psychology