What You’ll Learn
  • Learn from basics of Programming in C ++
  • Get Bigger Picture from What and Why of C ++
  • Will discuss each component in program
  • Learn Decisions
  • Loops
  • Strings
  • Arrays in C++ programming
  • Learn Object Oriented Programming Concepts in C++ programming with Examples
  • Learn Object
  • Classes
  • Operator Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Pointers in C++ programming
  • Learn virtual function
  • Streams and Files and finally Learn How to Develop an Application with project
  • Learn STL - Standard Template Library - which is explained in detail.
  • C++ Qt 5 GUI Application Development
  • "100 MCQs
  • 15 Assignments & 5 Projects"
  • Interview preparation - with Top frequently asked questions
  • Coding Exercises


  • "Only Computer is Required Well Start From Basics"
  • No Prior Programming knowledge is required.


Master C++ Programming From Beginner To Advance 2024 Edition

C++ Programming , C++ Tutorial , C++ Lecture , C++ Course , C++ 11 , C++ 14 , C++ 17

Qt 5 C++ GUI Development For Beginners , QT GUI , Qt 5 , qt 5 , Qt C++

Concepts of C++ Programming are made very simple and easy.

Course Highlights

  1. Explained each topic with help of picture and example.

  2. Practical Session for each Topic

  3. 5-Projects - ATM system, Student Management & Hacking Tool - keylogger , Phone Calculator GUI , Car Booking GUI

  4. Notes - ppt

  5. 100+ MCQ's

  6. 15 Assignments

  7. Interview Preparation ( Top Frequently asked Questions )

  8. Coding Exercise

  9. C++ Deep Dive all the way till Multi-threading

  10. Qt 5 C++ GUI Application Development for Beginners

Topics :

  1. Introduction to Basics of Computer ( Beginners )

  2. What is Computer

  3. Computer Architecture

  4. RAM - Random Access Memory

  5. CPU - Central Processing Unit

  6. Operating System

  7. Computer Language

  1. Introduction to Programming

  2. What is Programming in general

  3. Why we should learn

  4. What is Cpp

  5. What is Compiler and IDE

  1. Compiler and IDE Setup

  2. Best IDE's For C++

  3. Installing Visual Studio for C++

  4. Installing Codeblocks for C++

  1. Introducing Program Structure in C++ Program

  2. Header

  3. Namespace

  4. Main Function

  5. Block and Semicolon

  6. Writing First C++ Program

  7. User Input and Output in C++ Program

  1. Identifiers

  2. Keywords

  3. Data Types

  4. Variables

  5. Operators

  6. Arithmetic Operators

  7. Assignment Operators

  8. Logical Operator

  9. Comparison Operator

  1. Introducing Important Terminologies in C++ Programming

  2. Introduction Conditions in C++

  3. Condition in C++

  4. If Condition

  5. If Else Condition

  6. Else if Condition

  7. Switch Case

  1. Introducing String in C++ Programming Language

  2. Why Strings are used in C++

  3. String concatenation

  4. How to calculate string length

  5. How to take string as input

  6. Example on String

  1. Introduction to Loops

  2. What / why of Loop

  3. For Loop

  4. While Loop

  5. Do While Loop

  6. Break and Continue

  1. Why Array

  2. What is Array

  3. Creating , Initialize and Modify Array

  4. Program of find Minimum no. in Array

  1. Why Functions in C++

  2. Example Of Function

  3. Function and Main Memory

  4. Various Forms Of Function

  5. What and Why Of Function Overloading

  6. 1st Way Of Function Overloading

  7. 2nd Way Of Function Overloading

  8. Drawback Of Function and inline Function

  1. What and Why Of Structure

  2. Define Structure in C++

  3. Example of Structure

  4. Nesting Of Structure

  5. Structure padding

  1. Why Object Oriented Programming

  2. Example of OOP

  3. Key Note on Member Function and Member Variable

  4. Access Specifier

  5. Characteristics of OOP

  1. Mini Project - ( ATM System in C++ )

  1. Why Constructor

  2. Default Constructor

  3. Parametrized Constructor

  4. Copy Constructor

  5. Constructor Overloading

  6. Constructor Program

  1. Operator Overloading

  2. Overloading Post and Pre Increment

  1. Introduction Inheritance

  2. What is Inheritance

  3. Why Inheritance

  4. Inheritance Example

  5. Constructor and Inheritance

  6. Function Overriding

  7. isA and hasA Relation

  8. Types Of Inheritance

  9. Ways of Inheritance

  1. What is Pointer

  2. Why Pointer is Used

  3. Program in Memory

  4. Pointer Notation

  5. Pointer and Array

  6. Pointer and Function

  7. Memory Management - NEW

  8. Memory Management - DELETE

  9. Pointer Application Program

  10. Pointer Limitations

  11. this Pointer

  1. Introduction to Pointer

  2. Introduction to Polymorphism

  3. Base Class Pointer and Derived Class Object

  4. What is Virtual Function

  5. Why Virtual Function with Example

  6. Abstract Class and Pure Virtual Function

  7. More about Polymorphism

  8. Virtual Destructor

  1. What is friend in general

  2. What is Friend Function

  3. Question on Friend Function

  4. What is Friend Class  + practical

  5. Overloading Comparison Operator - With Friend Function

  1. Introduction to Static Member

  2. Static Member Variable

  3. Static Member Function

  1. Introducing File Input- Output

  2. What are Streams

  3. Classes and Object for Input-Output

  4. How reading and writing is done in file

  5. Write data into FILE

  6. Reading data from FILE

  7. Tellg in C++

  8. Tellp Function

  9. Seekg Function

  10. Seekp Function

  1. Exception Handling in C++

  2. Exception Handling Program in C++

  1. Basics of Data Structure

  2. Introduction to STL

  3. Containers in STL & Classification

  4. Array - Container in STL

  5. Vector - Container in STL

  6. List - Container in STL

  7. Stack - Container in STL

  8. Queue - Container in STL

  9. Priority Queue - Container in STL

  10. Map - Container in STL

  11. Multimap - Container in STL

  12. Unordered Map - Container in STL

  13. Set - Container in STL

  14. Multiset - Container in STL

  15. Unordered Set - Container in STL

  16. Algorithms in STL

  17. Container in Container

  1. What and Why of Template in C++

  2. Function Template

  3. Class Template

  1. Final Project - Student management in C++

  2. Interview Preparation - Top frequently asked questions

  3. Coding Exercise

  1. What and Why of lambda in C++

  2. lambda Function with value

  3. lambda Function with reference

  1. Multi-threading in C++

  2. Multi-threading with function

  3. Multi-threading with class - member function

  4. Multi-threading with Lambda Function

Qt 5 GUI Application Development using C++ with Project

Codaming provides smart classroom-type learning by breaking long lectures into short and crisp for each topic.

We explain concepts with examples and pictures for better understanding, moreover we apply the Mind-Map technique that would definitely help you in connecting the dots and remembering the concepts forever.

We are highly motivated and passionate to provide you high-quality, simplified, and in-depth training at an affordable price.


Who this course is for:

  • For Beginner
  • For College Students
  • For Developers who want to Advance in C++

Course Includes:

  • Price: FREE
  • Enrolled: 76984 students
  • Language: English
  • Certificate: Yes

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