Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 10203 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
Purpose Driven Leadership
Leading with Purpose helps accentuate aspects that are bigger than just the immediate, building something longer lasting
It is not a trend driven approach to leadership. It is also a lot of work. Though it pays off in outcomes, results and a more cohesive workplace.
Purpose is seen as a fussy, in tangible, undefinable thing by many. It may start out that way for most people. However, it is:
- can be something to rallying around
- provides something to look forward to and aim for
- an acknowledgement that the Leader is contributing to something more than just the tasks being fulfilled
- there could be bigger objectives, sometimes not fully formed or developed, that can serve as a great guide
- helps in professional (even personal) development of the Leader and hopefully, those they are responsible for as well
and much more.
Features or traits associated with developing Purpose Driven Leadership are desirable in many other aspects of life and are transferrable.
This course is aimed at helping develop a set of parameters or draw attention to some of the other aspects of Leadership, such as being Purpose Driven, that can give the leader another dimension to becoming more effective.
Leadership & Management Series Part 5: Master the Art of Building Ownership and Accountability
Module 1 of Master Class to become Hospitality Finance Expert. Hotel Finance Structure, Accounting Practices
Project Management Part 4: Master Effective Risk Management Techniques
uniform system of accounting, USALI, hotel financial statements, market segmentation, Room Profit & Loss statement
2025 C++ Programming for Beginners and Advanced: Hands-On Fundamentals,Developer Techniques, and Real-World Applications
Project Management Part 5: Master Essential Time Management and Scheduling Skills in Projects
Uniform system of accounting, hotel financial statement analysis, Module 3 of master class
Project Management Part 3: Master Budgeting and Cost Control in Projects
Salesforce Completely Beginners Course. Everything You Need to Know to Start Using Salesforce Today
The Complete Flutter SDK, Flutter Framework, Dart guide to develop fast, production-grade apps for Android, iOS and Web
Leadership & Management Series Part 6: Mastering the Art of Ethical Leadership and Persuasion
Mastering Stress Management: Techniques for Resilience and Well-being
Overview of Agile project management+Online Agile Certification+Agile crash course in Jira agile project management tool
Healthy Workforce, Healthy Business: Essential Tactics for Flu and COVID Safety
Leverage the most from your graphics card and create HQ videos efficiently with NVIDIA and Google ultimate encoders
Marketing Masterclass Part 3: Master Market Research Techniques and Data Analysis Insights to Drive Business Growth.
Learn to Trade The Forex market - Get a complete understanding of Forex market and a complete introduction to forex
Marketing Masterclass Part 4: Master Branding Principles, Refine Brand Positioning, and Develop Strategies for Success