Course Includes:
- Price: FREE
- Enrolled: 11007 students
- Language: English
- Certificate: Yes
This course is for students who wants to learn python programming easily with ChatGPT. You will learn all the important python topics from this course. So you will learn python input, output functions, turtle graphics, loops, functions, classes, python datatypes etc.
All topics will be covered using chatgpt and example programs will also be generated and modified using ChatGPT. So you will learn to use ChatGPT to learn and make programs from very first steps.
You will love this course if you are a beginner and want to learn python easily and want to learn the power of chatgpt to generate programs for you within seconds.
So this course teaches you python programming and also teaches you to generate and modify python programs using ChatGPT. So you will be able to generate programs and will have the knowledge to understand it and edit or modify it for different purposes.
Lastly this course show you to generate practical codes and gui programs like file, pdf merging, web scraping, excel to sql converting, video watermarking and cropping, automated mail sending etc.
Also please do not forget give a review for my course as i am new here and it will motivate me to create more course like this.
Alright, let's enroll for this course and gain this awesome knowledge.
Aprende las técnicas que los ciberdelincuentes utilizan para hackear con Kali Linux
Aprende Hacking Ético con CTFs. Hackea maquinas como lo hace un Hacker Etico. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Etico
Aprende a utilizar Metasploit Framework para tus labores de Hacking Ético y Pentesting. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking
Aprende a detectar y defenderte del Phishing. El ataque mas común en la internet. Aprende Hacking Ético y Ciberseguridad
Aprende las tecnicas y herramientas mas utilizadas en el OSINT. Se un Hacker. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Ético
Understanding, Supporting Others, and Managing Change Anxiety in the Workplace
Guided Tantra, Mindfulness Meditation and Kundalini Awakening Techniques from Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra
Cognitive tools, PTSD Coping skills, and Treatment plan to help your client manage trauma and PTSD
Integrate CBT, DBT and ACT Psychotherapy for counseling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) clients
Master the Art of Leading and Adapting to various situations
Aprende como los Hackers crean malware para infiltrarse en los sistemas. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Etico
Aprende a ser anonimo en la red con Tor, VPN, Proxys, Deep Web, Tails, Whonix y mas. Privacidad y anonimato en la red.
Aprende a como los Hackers Crean Malware y Hackean Dispositivos. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Etico
Aprende a escalar privilegios en maquinas Linux de forma práctica. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Ético
Aprende las técnicas que los Hackers utilizan para hackear paginas web. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Ético Web
Aprende Paso a Paso como llevar a cabo el proceso de Pentesting. Se un Hacker. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Ético
Aprende Hacking Ético y realiza ataques desde tu dispositivo móvil Android. Aprende Ciberseguridad y Hacking Etico
Aprende las técnicas que usan los hackers para hacking de REDES SOCIALES. Aprende Hacking Etico y Ciberseguridad